to the
Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
The Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) is a vibrant spiritually diverse community that celebrates human potential and encourages meaningful connections. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and that we are all connected to each other, the natural world and the universe. At our Fellowship, we strive to create a safe and welcoming space for people of all ages and backgrounds. We are dedicated to fostering a deep sense of respect, understanding and love for one another. We hope to bring people together through our shared values of justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
Where Everyone Belongs
Join with us in person at the Narrowsburg Union or on Zoom.
Sundays at 10:15 am

Contact us today at uduuf2022@gmail.com or
7 Erie Avenue, ​PO Box 47, Narrowsburg, NY 12764
Event date: Sunday, 9/8/2024
Membership Sunday
Event date: Sunday, 9/1/2024
Labor Day potluck
At the home of Jill Behling Padua and Tom Rue. Details to follow. RSVP!
Event date: Sunday, 8/25/2024
Member presentation
Event date: Sunday, 8/18/2024
"Under This Sky, Are We Hibakusha?
NARROWSBURG, NY and ONLINE - On Sunday, August 18, Japanese artist and activist Yasuyo Tanaka will be speak about her work as a peace and fervent anti-nuclear advocate at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union. The public is invited to attend in person or online by Zoom.
Tanaka’s August visit to the Upper Delaware River Valley coincides with somber dates In the shared history of Japan in the United States of America and the world.
August 13, 1942 marks the day the Manhattan project began at Columbia University. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,1945 and the second fell on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. August 15, 1945 is the anniversary of the end of the war in Japan in 1945.
August 13 to 15 is the Japanese Obon festival, when the spirits of ancestors are returning to their homes along with all of their relatives. It is believed that by honoring and holding memorial services for the spirits of ancestors during this period, family unity is strengthened and blessings are received from the ancestors.
Yasuyo Tanaka is an artist, educator, researcher, organizer, peace worker, and first-generation Japanese immigrant living in NYC.
Born and raised in Japan, where the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, her hometown was damaged by radiation from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disasters and became a final disposal candidate site for nuclear waste. This awakened her to become a social practice artist, researching social and environmental issues and expressing her experiences and what she learned through art.
In her presentation "Under This Sky, Are We Hibakusha?" she will share what she’s seen and felt in the nuclear disaster areas in Japan and the U.S., as well as photos related to radiation contamination. She will introduce the little-known history of the Manhattan Project (developing and manufacturing atomic bombs) which began in New York City, and report on a creative learning project with children at the Manhattanville Community Center near the Nash Garage building (where the Manhattan Project platform was built). This presentation will explore personal connections to events taking place under this sky, beyond time and place.
Tanaka will share images of her work and talk about its place and purpose in the intersection of Japanese and American culture. There will be a public exhibition and a special origami workshop for people of all ages at a time that will be announced at the August 17th service.
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, August 18th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com. Inquiries regarding this program may be made to Cynthia Nash at 646-229-0059.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
For Immediate Release
Event date: 8/11/2024
Unitarian Universalists to hear and discuss words of Rev. Daniel Kantor on August 11th
A lecture entitled "______________" by Rev. Daniel Kantor of ____ will be included in the program at the Upper Delaware U.U. Fellowship on Sunday, Feb. 25th at 10:15 AM. In this talk, he ______________.
Members and friends of the fellowship are invited to connect and take part.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 8/4/2024
Rev. Laurie Stuart to speak a search for beloved community at UDUUF on August 4th
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - In this one-hour service, using the metaphor of a child's tea party, Rev. Laurie Stuart will present a one-hour service on the possibilities that can open when one adopts an attitude of plurality and moves beyond judgment in the search for beloved community. Weaving music, visuals and stories the service aspires to be a respite and a path through the chaos that engulfs our world and, often, our daily lives.
The sermon will be delivered live during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, August 4th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
No service will be held on 7/28/2024 because the Narrowsburg Union has announced that it will close due to the Riverfest this day. Anyone going to Riverfest is invited to join us for an informal cup of coffee at Two Queens Coffee Shop on Main Street at 10:15 am.
Event date: 7/21/2024
Ken Burns commencement speech at Brandeis University
Event date: Sunday, 7/14/2024
Melissa Hayes Kolakowski
From Potatoes to Puccini to Passover: One Woman's Journey to Happiness
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Melissa Hayes Kolakowski, a much-loved speaker, chaplain, musician, and mother, will speak about her spiritual journey from Mormonism in Idaho to the theaters of New York to a small synagogue in Sullivan County, followed by questions, at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) in Narrowsburg on July 14th.
Mrs. Kolakowski, a much-loved speaker, chaplain, musician, and mother, will speak about her spiritual journey from Mormonism in Idaho to the theaters of New York to a small synagogue in Sullivan County. Hers is a story that is at once entertaining and inspiring. Told from an interfaith perspective, Mrs. Kolakowski brings to the story an infectious positivity, enthusiasm, and more than a few laughs!
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, July 14th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 7/7/2024
Historic bridge restoration and reopening set as topic for open mic at UDUUF on July 7th
The Skinners Falls/Milanville Bridge has been closed since May 2016. (Photo by Tom Rue.)
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - The proposed restoration and reopening of the 1902 Skinners Falls/Milanville Bridge will be explored from a spiritual and artistic perspective during an open mic program of shared songs, theater, poems, readings, and artwork on the subject of the historic span at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) in Narrowsburg on July 7th.
Scheduled performers will include Joanne and Dan Brinkerhoff of Poison Love Band who will render an original piece about the bridge; Cynthia Nash of Milanville who will read from her one-act play about the bridge entitled "The Crossing"; and other local artists, poets, and writers.
The public is invited to share material concerning their spiritual connection to this unique bridge and this special crossing over the Upper Delaware.
The program will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, July 7th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@....
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 6/30/2024
Please share as widely as possible
Barbara Arrindell to speak to UDUUF on sustainability on June 30th
Barbara Arrindell, director of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Barbara Arrindell will share thoughts and lead a discussion on the subject of sustainability at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) in Narrowsburg on June 30th starting at 10:15 am.
Barbara is the Chair and Chief Science Officer of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability. She has had a life-long interest in sustainable and renewable energy sources as well as the environmental effects of human activities. As a founding member of DCS, she has educated national and international press and policymakers about the interlocking issues of drilling, its impacts and the politics and science responsible.
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, June 30th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@....
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 6/23/2024
Chelsea Falotico of Wayne Co. VIP
Wayne County Victims Intervention Program to outline services
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Chelsea Falotico of the Wayne County Victims Intervention Program (VIP) will described services available to prevent and stop domestic violence at the June 23rd meeting of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist fellowship. The service will be conducted in-person in Room 102 of the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, New York. To read about VIP, see vipempowers.org.
For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 6/16/2024
Lea Morris
"Called to Dance" With Lea Morris
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Lea Morris will be the focus of the June 16th meeting of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF). The service will be conducted in-person by the Rev. Laurie Stuart in Room 102 of the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, New York.
To read about this performer and her musical ministry, see thisislea.com.
For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 6/9/2024
Colette Ballew
Colette Ballew to speak to the Upper Delaware UU Fellowship on June 9th
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Collette Ballew of Damascus Township will share lessons learned while traveling the world at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) in Narrowsburg on June 9th.
Ms. Ballew, who was born in France to an American mother and Tunisian father, is a retired French and Spanish teacher in Delaware Valley Central School and Wayne Highlands in Honesdale.
"I have learned that you can travel anywhere, even to areas where you do not speak the language, if you are willing to communicate sympathetically. In my travels I have made friends all over the world because I tried to communicate with them no matter the language. I left fear behind, acted out and at times made a fool of myself trying to get my point across," she said.
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, June 9th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 6/2/2024
Tracy Schwarz
Wayne Library director to speak to the Upper Delaware UU Fellowship on June 2nd
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Tracy Schwarz, director of the Wayne County Public Library in Honesdale, will speak about libraries and answer questions at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) in Narrowsburg on June 2nd.
Ms. Schwarz is the director at the Wayne County Public Library. As the largest library in a 7 library system, the WCPL houses the Wayne Library Authority administrative offices and acts as the hub for library services in the county. Earlier this year, the UDUUF donated $5,000 to the Honesdale library's restoration fund.
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the UDUUF on Sunday, June 2nd at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 5/26/2024
Sheila Vaswani to address the UDUUF on the Islamic Golden Age on May 26th
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Sheila Vaswani of Honesdale will speak on Islamic culture on May 26th.
The Islamic Golden Age was a period of scientific, economic and cultural flourishing in the history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century. This era saw mighty achievements in the fields of medicine, mathematics, science, the arts, literature, and culture. Join in a review and discussion of what emerged from this Golden Age and how it influenced what we call the modern world.
The talk will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) on Sunday, May 26th 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Link backs: The River Reporter
Event date: Sunday, 5/19/2024
Rev. Laurie Stuart to speak at UDUUF on pluralism on May 19th
Rev. Laurie Stuart
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - In this one-hour service entitled "What are you Listening For?", on Sunday, May 19th, Rev. Laurie Stuart will explore the broad concept of pluralism. Utilizing story, video and images, Laurie will explore how adopting pluralism as a daily routine might give ourselves some spiritual resilience.
The performance will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, May 12th 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 5/12/2024
Fendrick & Peck live in concert at the UDUUF on May 12th
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Madeline Fendrick and Brian Peck are a Minnesota based indie-eco-acoustic duo with well woven lyrics, delicate yet driving instrumental composition, and quirky and kind personalities. Their music is all harmony -- exquisite lyrics and composition with a certain unbridled delight and beauty that sets them apart. Frequent instrument swapping, quirky tales of their exploits, and sudden dives into deep-heart stuff that will leave you bubbling!
In honor of Mother's Day, the focus of the music will be motherhood. Check out their website at fendrickandpeck.com before or after the live service.
The performance will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, May 12th 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 5/5/24, 10:15 AM
Art Kolbjornsen will speak on the topic "From Fundamentalism to Atheism" at the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 5th
A gifted Biblical Scholar now teaching at the University of North Carolina has made significant contributions to critical scriptural study and has evolved in his faith understanding. That moving process was not based on the deficits of the "Word of God," but rather the notion of a living God active in a painful world.
The presentation will be held live during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, May 12th 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Room 102, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 4/28/24, 10:15 AM
Tannis Kowalchuk to speak to the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on April 28th
Tannis Kowalchuk, Artistic Director of Farm Arts Collective in Damascus Township
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Tannis Kowalchuk, Artistic Director of Farm Arts Collective, will present an interactive presentation on creativity, collaboration, and community connection, and how it benefits personal and collective health and well-being. The presentation will begin with a talk about Tannis’ work with Farm Arts Collective on collective creation with community engagement, and will include some interactive exercises and conversations to illustrate the theory.
The presentation will be held during the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, April 28th at 10:15 AM in the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Narrowsburg, NY 12764. For more information about this or upcoming weekly programs, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 4/21/24, 10:15 AM
Earth Day to center shared readings at Upper Delaware UU on April 21
Shared Readings on the topic of Earth Day will be the program at the Upper Delaware U.U. Fellowship on Sunday, April 21st at 10:15 AM. Members and friends of the fellowship are invited to connect, listen, and share readings related to nature, environmental action, and other spiritual concerns. Services are held each Sunday at 10:15 am at the Narrowsburg Union, Room 102, as well as on Zoom.
On Sunday the 28th, Tannis Kowalchak of Farm Arts Collective and Willow Wisp Farm will speak at the UDUUF on creativity, collaboration, and community connection.
Come in person if you can, or bookmark this link for this and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 4/21/24, 10:15 AM
Geoff Hutchinson to speak in Narrowsburg on poetry and art on April 14th
poet Geoff Hutchinson
NARROWSBURG, NY and ONLINE — Artist and poet Geoff Hutchinson will discuss and share selections at the Sunday morning service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) on April 14th at 10:15 am.
For those attending in person, room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., will open at 9:30 a.m. If connecting virtually, the Zoom room opens a few minutes before the service starts at 10:15 AM.
The public is welcome. For additional information, visit uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person, if you can. Or, bookmark this link for this Sunday's and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
Meeting ID: 993 5913 5643
Passcode: 885087
Event date: Sunday, 4/7/24, 10:15 AM
Unitarian Universalists to hear about indigenous traditions on April 7th
NARROWSBURG, NY AND ONLINE — The weekly Sunday service of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) on Sunday, April 7 will feature a presentation by Robin Henderson on Native American spiritual practices. For those attending in person, room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., will open at 9:30 a.m. If connecting virtually, the Zoom room will open at about 10 a.m. The service starts at 10:15 AM.
Robin Henderson, a proud member of the Ramapough Lunaape, was brought up in both Catholicism and the ways of his ancestors. He's studied a variety of religions throughout his life and loves to share what he's learned.
The public is welcome. For additional information, visit uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
Come in person, if you can. Or, bookmark this link for this Sunday's and future UDUUF services: https://zoom.us/j/99359135643?pwd=RS9kb3FKMEF6Y1hNMG9uRFpwa2V3UT09
For Immediate Release
Event date: Sunday, 3/31/2024
Unitarian Universalists to celebrate with master drummer Obi Kaye on March 31st
NARROWSBURG, NY and ONLINE — An Easter service celebrated with master drummer Obi Kaye will be held by the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) on Sunday, March 31. For those attending in person, room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., will open at 9:30 a.m. If connecting virtually, the Zoom room will open at about 10 a.m.
World Beat/ Global & Jazz percussionist, Obi Kaye has performed at various venues and styles, specializing in dance driven and improvisational rhythm. He has performed with numerous Jazz and "World" groups, both Live and in the studio. Both as a solo performer & as a sideman he continues to stretch the limits of musical genres and appeals to the many tastes of a diverse audience.
As recording artist, sideman and Solo performer, Obi employs a fusion of many musical styles on a large variety of percussion instruments. Many performances and recordings infuse the sounds of Turkey with those of Brazil and instruments from Morocco, Pakistan and Egypt with those of Nigeria, Cuba and Puerto Rico. He constantly strives to explore sounds and culture and experiment through blending these styles together.
The UDUUF has met continuously in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. The public is welcome. For additional information, visit uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 3/17/2024
'Plastic Is a Public Health Crisis—And What We Can Do About It' on March 24th
Rebekah Creshkoff of Beyond Plastics
NARROWSBURG, NY AND ONLINE — A public health crisis has arisen from excessive use of single-use plastic by multiple industries around the world. Plastics and microplastics are now seemingly everywhere.
In remarks titled, "Plastic Is a Public Health Crisis — And What We Can Do About It" environmental advocate Rebekah Creshkoff will describe the threat created by over-manufacturing of non-biodegradable plastics.
She will speak at 10:15 a.m. service on Sunday, March 24, held by the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF). For those attending in person, room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., will open at 9:30 a.m. If connecting virtually, the Zoom room will open at about 10 a.m.
Rebekah is a volunteer speaker with Beyond Plastics, a nationwide, nonprofit project based at Bennington College, VT, that is working to end plastic pollution everywhere. She used to work in corporate communications.
Beyond Plastics was founded in 2019 by former EPA regional administrator Judith Enck (see beyondplastics.org/about).
In recent decades, multiple chronic health conditions and disorders — including autism, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and infertility, among others — have risen alarmingly. All have been linked to exposure to the thousands of chemicals that are used to make plastics. Rebekah will discuss the impact of the toxic chemicals lurking in items we use in our everyday lives, and review steps we can take to protect ourselves, our communities and the planet.
The UDUUF has met continuously in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. The public is welcome. For a Zoom link or additional information, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 3/17/2024
Martin Colavito of SALT to speak in-person and on Zoom to Unitarian Universalists
NARROWSBURG - Martin Colavito of the human service advocacy group Sullivan Allies Leading Together (SALT) will dialogue with members and friends of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) this Sunday, March 17th, at 10:15 AM in room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Narrowsburg. The meeting's format will be hybrid (both in person and virtual).
The public is invited to connect and take part. The UDUUF has met continuously in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. For more information, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com. Light refreshments will follow after the meeting to which all who attend in person are invited to bring a dish.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 3/10/2024
Holocaust survivor Dorothea Szczesniak to address the Upper Delaware UU Fellowship on March 10th
NARROWSBURG - Dorothea Szczesniak will speak to the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UDUUF) this Sunday, March 10th, at 10:15 AM in room 102 at the Narrowsburg Union, 7 Erie Ave., Narrowsburg. The meeting's format will be hybrid (both in person and virtual). This will mark the congregation's first hybrid meeting during 2024.
At a recent meeting of the congregation, the UDUUF elected a board of directors and officers for the year 2024, and unanimously passed the following resolution: "RESOLVED, That diversity and a search for truth are core values of the UDUUF and generally of Unitarian Universalism as it is understood, this fellowship wishes to explicitly welcome and invite people of all spiritual and sexual orientations, heritages, genders, and races, and aims to reflect the full diversity of mind, body, and spirit in our program offerings."
At the same meeting, the membership voted unanimously to elect the Rev. Laurie Stuart of Narrowsburg as President. Thomas Rue LMHC of Narrowsburg, himself a past president of the fellowship in the late 1980s and early 90s, will serve as Vice-President. Sharon Paige-Lisenbee of West Easton, Pennsylvania will continue serving as treasurer. Heidi Finkelberg of Shohola accepted the post of secretary. Steven Scharff of Narrowsburg, Patricia Sanders of Honesdale, and Sheila Vaswani of Honesdale will serve as board members for the coming year.
Members and friends of the fellowship are invited to connect and take part. The UDUUF has met continuously in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. The public is welcome this Sunday and in the future. For more information, see uduuf.com or email uduuf2022@gmail.com. Light refreshments will follow after the meeting to which all who attend in person are invited to bring a dish.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 2/25/2024
Unitarian Universalists discuss writings of Yuval Noah Harrari on February 25th
A lecture entitled "Why Humans Run the World" by professor Yuval Noah Harari of the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will be included in the program at the Upper Delaware U.U. Fellowship on Sunday, Feb. 25th at 10:15 AM. In this talk, he explains the human characteristic that allows us to dominate the planet. Dr. Harari is the author of the international best selling book "Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind".
Members and friends of the fellowship are invited to connect and take part.
Services are presently held on Zoom only, with a resumption to hybrid (both in person and virtual) services planned to be held on a regular basis starting with remarks by local Holocaust survivor Dorothea Szczesniak on March 10th .
The UDUUF has met continuously in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. The public is welcome. For more information, see uduuf.com. To request the Zoom link, email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 2/18/2024
Unitarian Universalists proffer potpourri of shared readings on topics including love, Black history, war and peace, etc.
A potpourri of "Shared Readings" will be the program at the Upper Delaware U.U. Fellowship on Sunday, Feb. 11th at 10:15 AM. Members and friends of the fellowship are invited to connect, listen, and share readings related to love, Black History Month, war and peace, or other spiritual concerns.
Services are presently held on Zoom only, with a resumption to hybrid (both in person and virtual) services planned to be held on a regular basis starting with remarks by local Holocaust survivor Dorothea Szczesniak on March 10th . To request the Zoom link, email uduuf2022@gmail.com.
The UDUUF has met continuously at various locations in the Upper Delaware River Valley since July 30, 1987. The public is welcome. For more information, see uduuf.com.
For Immediate Release
Event date: 2/1/2024
Rev. Laurie Stuart: "With nothing to do, everything is possible," on February 1st
NARROWSBURG and ONLINE - Touching on large issues like climate change, geopolitical division, and seemingly unsurmountable challenges, the Rev. Laurie Stuart will weave a multi-media journey around a central paradox: "With nothing to do, everything is possible." The one-hour Zoom service will explore a space and an attitude that opens up possibilities of connection, meaning and, ultimately, personal balance and sustainable action.
Here is the link: Join Zoom service
Meeting ID: 894 1030 5658
Passcode: 396136